• What to pack for a long haul flight with a toddler

    It can be daunting going on a long haul flight with a toddler and trying to decide what to bring to keep them entertained on the flight. Whilst hopefully avoiding tantrums and causing too much chaos for other passengers! Here is my guide on what to bring to try and keep them entertained and avoid getting too messy. Insulated lunch bag Toddler’s have big appetites so it’s important to take lots of food and snacks, this road trip insulated lunch bag helps keep your child’s lunch fresh. It also folds flat for easy storage. Mini backpack Toddlers love to help out carrying things, so a child’s backpack is a travel…

  • Garden accessories and decorations

    Now we’re coming into spring and there’s more daylight hours, I’m looking forward to spending more time in the garden. So I’ve been decorating the garden and buying some accessories to make our outdoor area look better and so we can have some comfy seating areas to relax in. Here’s sare ome accessories to buy for your garden: Bird feeders These are a great way to encourage more birds in your garden. If you have kids it’s fun to look out in the garden and watch the different birds feeding. You can find a selection of bird feeders on RSPB. Bean bags This indoor/outdoor bean bag, is the perfect addition…

  • car maintenance

    6 Ways Mobile Tyre Fitting Helps When You Are on a Road Trip

    Mobile tyre fitting is a relative newcomer to the world of tyre fitting, and as such, you might be a bit dubious about the benefits of this service. But mobile tyre fitting has nothing but positives to recommend it, so why not check out these 6 ways that mobile tyre fitting helps when you are on a road trip before you set off – and if it sounds promising book mobile tyre fitting from Reg Greenwood. Cost EffectiveMobile tyre fitting is not more expensive than taking your car to a garage and sitting and waiting for the mechanics to get around to dealing with your needs: in fact, mobile tyre fitters…

  • Suitcase travel

    How to Pack Ultra-Light for Your Upcoming Spring Vacation

    Spring break is on the horizon, and anticipation is building among college students and other young people at heart for a week of fun, relaxation, and adventure. After months of rigorous academic or professional work, perhaps you can almost taste freedom in the air and can’t wait until you can start preparing in earnest for your spring vacation. One thing that will allow you to enjoy your break more fully, whether you’re headed to a faraway tropical paradise or simply planning a road trip with friends, is a suitcase or duffel bag packed in the most economical way. Here are some savvy tips that will help you pack efficiently for…

  • Juggling Part-Time Jobs with Student Adventures in the UK

    For many students in the UK, the pursuit of higher education is not just an academic endeavor; it’s a multifaceted experience that involves navigating the challenges of part-time employment while indulging in the rich tapestry of student life. Balancing the demands of work with the desire for exploration can be both rewarding and demanding. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of managing part-time jobs alongside the vibrant adventures that the UK has to offer. From the bustling cities to the picturesque landscapes, students can discover the perfect equilibrium between their professional responsibilities and the unique experiences that define their student years. In the face of academic challenges, some…

  • Three exclusive experiences to enjoy in Norway

    If you’re planning your first visit to Norway, you may have the main attractions such as Oslo and the Atlantic Ocean Road in mind. Whilst these are certainly worth exploring, if you’re looking for something a little more obscure, we’ve put together some unique ideas to add to your itinerary. Whether you’ve already seen Norway’s most talked-about locations or you want a visit that’s off the beaten path, here are three exclusive experiences to enjoy in Norway. Swap skiing for bobsledding There are plenty of ways to enjoy the panoramic views of the pearly-white mountains and forest-clad hills of the Norwegian wilderness, so you needn’t stick to skiing. In Lillehammer,…